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A Day in the Life of an Intern @ atWare

Hi there! I’m excited to share a glimpse into my typical day as a Software Engineer Intern at atWare, where I recently completed an incredible 2-month internship.

My day usually kicks off at 8:00 AM, right after my speedy commute to the office. The first agenda item is our Daily Scrum, which we start with a quick ice-breaker to energize the team. These fun questions not only break the ice but also help us learn more about each other. After this, we discuss what we accomplished yesterday, what we plan to work on today, and if there are any blockers to our tasks. We end the Scrum by wishing each other a productive day in Vietnamese, Japanese, and sometimes English, reflecting the diversity of our team.

For the rest of the morning, we dive into our tasks. Each intern pairs up with a dedicated team member for each sprint. This means I often switch seats to sit next to my mentor, ensuring smooth and efficient collaboration (or sometimes just to give them a little trouble!). Initially, pair programming was new and a bit challenging for me, but I quickly realized it’s an incredible way to learn faster and gain deeper insights from experienced mentors. We’re encouraged to discuss ideas and ask questions freely, and the entire team is always willing to help.

Around 11:00 or 12:00, we take an hour-long lunch break. We usually eat together in the building’s dining room, chatting about life outside work, which strengthens our team bonds. Some colleagues enjoy playing games after lunch, but I prefer to take a quick nap to recharge for the afternoon.

After lunch, if there’s a Scrum event scheduled, we join forces with the Japan team. Otherwise, we continue with our tasks. We’re also encouraged to take short breaks throughout the day to keep our minds fresh. One of my favorite break-time activities is playing BLOCKUs with colleagues when enough players are available.

While the daily routine might sound similar, the learning never stops. I’ve had the chance to work on a real, large-scale project involving both the Vietnam and Japan teams. This experience allowed me to explore new technologies that I believe will be invaluable in my future career, such as AWS Services, Docker, GraphQL, Clean Architecture, and TypeScript. While diving into so many new technologies might seem overwhelming, don't worry—interns spend their first week training on the tech stacks used in the project, as well as learning about agile methodologies and core programming techniques and principles.

What truly makes this internship unique is the constant encouragement to shine. We’re given opportunities to host ice-breakers, present demos, and even lead development planning during Scrum events. This approach not only enhances our technical skills but also significantly boosts our soft skills. I've learned how to deliver effective presentations and how to communicate in various professional settings, whether with our Vietnam team, the Japan team, or stakeholders.

The first two months were filled with challenges as I adjusted to the new work environment. However, the support I received from my team and the entire company made all the difference. They offered lessons, advice, and assistance, and shared countless memorable moments with me. I’ve noticed significant personal and professional growth, and I’m more eager than ever to dive into the industry and make meaningful contributions.

If you’re considering applying for an internship at atWare, don’t hesitate! It’s a fantastic way to spend your summer, and I’m sure you’ll find it as rewarding as I did. 😎

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